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Guidelines for Submission of Portfolios: Art Education

Portfolio Review
As an applicant for admission to the Art Education Major, you are required to submit an art portfolio of your best work. The portfolio should be submitted in one of the two following formats:

1. A digital portfolio submitted to the address below in a PowerPoint presentation-like format*. For each corresponding slide, include your name, the work’s title (or Untitled), date created, medium/a used, and size of artwork. Label the document with your name & telephone number, and indicate which of the three Art Education Programs to which you are applying.
*Video/media pieces can be attached outside the Powerpoint Presentation.

2. Providing a link to your website or other online portal. Include a means for us to contact you if we have questions.

Also, indicate which of the three Art Education programs to which you are applying:

  • BFA in Art Education Program with initial certification
  • Post-Baccalaureate Program (Initial Certification Only)
  • MSED in Art Education Program (for those with initial certification and seeking Professional Certification)

Your portfolio should include at least twelve (12) pieces and no more than twenty (20) pieces. If possible, include both 2D work and 3D work, in a variety of media.

Please email your digital portfolio, and indicate whether you are applying to the BFA, Post-bac, or Masters Program to:

Candace Masters (BFA applicants) at:


Dr. Alice Pennisi (Post-bac applicants) at:


Dr. Mary Wolf (Masters of Education applicants) at:

We look forward to seeing your artwork, which will be reviewed and any attendant comments will be sent to you as soon as possible, or provided in an advisement meeting.

Information about the Art Education Programs, including admission requirements, can be found HERE on our department website.

or by emailing Dr. Pennisi at:


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Art & Design Department

1300 Elmwood Ave  •  Upton Hall 402 •  Buffalo, NY 14222
Phone: (716) 878-6032 •  Fax: (716) 878-4231